


任何数字内容(视频), audio, documents) displayed on your website or used in a course should also be accessible. 例如, a YouTube video embedded on your site—even if you do not own the content—needs to be accessible for your website to comply. PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations must be accessible before posting. 参观 “无障碍资讯系统”网站的“服务快捷方式”页 发起可访问性服务请求.

是的,视频应该配上字幕,还应该提供文本记录. Some videos may require audio description if there is information conveyed in the video that is not narrated. ITS 可访问性 can arrange video captioning, text transcripts, and audio descriptions. 在ServiceNow中完成视频字幕请求表单 请求这些服务.


ITS 可访问性's goal is to pivot the campus to a proactive digital accessibility stance. 当您主动将数字可访问性应用于所有数字内容时, 它对所有学生都有帮助, 即使它们没有在OSD上注册.

  • 残疾表现为不同程度的残疾. 它们并不总是可见或明显的, 学生不一定会认为自己有残疾.
  • One ultimate outcome of the Accessible Technology Initiative is that all materials will be accessible to as many people as possible from the outset. 因为教师希望在他们的教学中接触到尽可能多的人, 这一原则确保没有人会被遗漏.

  • 纸质印刷材料(书籍), 读者的数据包, 储备读数, 实验室手册, 施舍, 书面考试)
  • Electronic print materials (web-based and LMS-based content; electronic reserves, 图书捆绑电子文本, 计算机化考试)
  • 多媒体材料(网络视频/音频), 商业dvd, 与书籍捆绑的材料, 摄影幻灯片或实验室样品)

  • 可感知的: Users are able to access information contained in the materials by modifying its presentation
  • 可操作的:用户能够与内容进行交互和操作
  • 可以理解的:用户能够全面接收到内容.
  • 健壮的: Users are able to transform the content into formats that are more compatible with assistive technology


  • 感觉障碍(失明和弱视)
  • 神经损伤(学习障碍、多动症、创伤性脑损伤)
  • 身体/行动障碍(四肢瘫痪、脑瘫)

这取决于. Blackboard and Canvas are generally accessible; however, documents and other digital assets which are added to the learning management system must be made accessible. 例如, 如果在线环境中添加了流媒体视频, they need to have synchronized captions for students who have hearing impairments. 也, documents need to be accessible for screen readers and other assistive technologies. 许多Word和PDF文档不能自动访问.

学生不需要自我确认他们的残疾. 这是每个学生的特权. Those who are registered with the Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) are encouraged to discuss their needs with instructors. One thing to keep in mind though is that students with disabilities may feel ashamed, 可能是否认自己有残疾,或者甚至没有意识到自己有残疾. All students eligible for services through the DPRC meet strict documentation requirements.

  • 目的是提供教学材料, 包括在线课程资料, to students with disabilities at the same time it is available to any other enrolled student. To reach that goal, sufficient time needs to be allowed for obtaining or creating alternate formats. If publishers are unresponsive or uncooperative at providing an electronic version of the textbook (e-text) intended for those needing an alternate format to the standard print version, then the Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) is tasked with essentially creating e-text.
  • 这种再创造涉及到一个及时的转换过程:扫描, 将图像转换为文本, 纠正错别字, reapplying format styles and reordering elements that were jumbled in the conversion, 解释图像和数字, 有时还会重新制作表格. 如果书要到上课前几周才到书店, then it becomes difficult to process the bottleneck of 150-200 books at once in a timely manner. Academic Senate Policy #S08-249 recognizes this need and details the rationale at the following link on timely textbook adoption.


There is an extensive range of hardware products under the ICT classification; not all hardware requires an ICT form before purchase. 一个快速简单的应用规则是“硬件是否有接口??". 如果硬件具有控制设备或与设备交互的接口组件, 很可能需要填写信息通信技术表格. 如果您仍然需要澄清具体的硬件购买, 足彩外围网站的无障碍采购专家.

审查过程取决于您购买的影响. We categorize impact based on who has access to the product and its intended purpose. 高影响力的购买比中等影响力的购买需要更长的时间, 低影响采购通常会很快获得批准. 审批没有固定的时间表. 除了撞击, the approval time is affected by vendor responsiveness and the availability and quality of required accessibility and security documentation.

是的. The ICT Purchase Approval Request is always required before the renewal of your product or service. 每次续费时, we check for updated documentation and determine whether vendor commitments were met. 也, since all software is dynamic which regularly updates features and the interface (whether discernable or not), 年度审查处理这些变化,因为它们出现了.

We will shortly add the ability to the ICT Purchase Approval Request process where the requester can recall last year’s submission and review it and re-submit for this renewal period. The ability to review and resubmit will save time and eliminate duplication of effort moving forward.


供应商负责完成所有必需的文件. 可访问性文档包括:

  • VPAT/ACR: Voluntary Product 可访问性 Template/可访问性 Conformance Report
  • 可访问性路线图

如果你的产品访问, 传输, 或储存敏感资料,亦可能需要下列保安文件:

  • 高等教育社区供应商评估工具

作为ICT产品请求方, you should never attempt to complete required documentation on behalf of the vendor.

When a medium or high impact ICT product in use has significant accessibility barriers, the requestor is required to engage the EEAAP committee to produce an alternative method of access or interaction for affected groups.  Once an EEAAP is created, it is also reviewed annually along with the product renewal.

我们有一个专门的页面 厂商VPAT支持. 如果供应商需要额外的帮助,他们可以发电子邮件给我们 无障碍采购专员.

我们新的和改进的流程将逐步捕获已经在使用的信息和通信技术. 虽然我们的流程是新的,但需求不是. The ICT Purchase Approval Request is essential to ensure that CalStateLA is proactively addressing the accessibility and security of our ICT products and services.

审查过程在很大程度上取决于与供应商代表的联系. 没有供应商联系,我们无法完成 不仅是审查过程,还有采购过程.   Providing contact information for a specific person is always preferred over generic information, 这将有助于加快我们的进程.

一旦审查完成,你, and others you designated will receive an automated email notification from the ServiceNow ticketing system. This email is proof that your product has completed the review process for this period and should be included along with your requisition paperwork.